
Friday 1 March 2019

What is the Properties of Ceramic? What is the Characteristics of Ceramic?

Characteristics of Ceramics bodies are given below:
  •     Ceramics are hard and brittle.
  •     Strong in compression.   
  •     Weak in shearing and tension. 
  •     Withstands chemical erosion due to acidic or caustic environments.
  •     Extreme hardness.
  •     Ceramic Bodies are High wear resistance.
  •     Extreme hardness can reduce wear caused by friction.
  •     Corrosion resistance.
  •     Ceramic products are Heat resistance.
  •     Low electrical conductivity.
  •     Low thermal conductivity. 
  •     Low thermal expansion.
  •     Poor thermal shock resistance.

What is the Properties of Ceramic? What is the Characteristics of Ceramic?
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