
Tuesday 26 February 2019

What is Secondary Clay? What is Transported Clay? Classification of Clay.

Clay may broadly divide into two types, one is Primary Clay and another one is Secondary Clay

Secondary Clay or Transported Clay: When the residual clays are removed by transporting agents such as water, ice, wind etc. And those clays are deposited at lower levels, these types of clays are called secondary clay or transported clay. These transported clays are usually but not always less pure than primary clay. The secondary clay deposits are generally formed by sedimentation; hence those clays can be distinguished from the residual clay chiefly by their stratification and also by the fact that they commonly bear no direct relation to the underlying rock on which they may rest.
Example: Fire Clay, Ball Clay, Shale, Loams, Loess etc.

What is Secondary Clay? What is Transported Clay? Classification of Clay.
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